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“Talent is like water. Without a vessel to contain it, it’s useless.”

"What is the vessel for talent?" I asked

My professor answered: "Technique"

from The Actor's Art and Craft - William Esper

Course Options

  •  3 Course Options in the Meisner Technique and Method Acting: up to 5 classes per week online


  • 5 week online introductory course to Meisner and Method


  • In person Classes in Brighton at the Lantern Theatre​

An Introduction to The Actor's
Craft from Meisner coach Sebastien Blanc

New 5 Week Online
Introductory Course:  
for £300

Combining Meisner and Method Techniques.


In Person Classes.​


We are currently running classes in BRIGHTON and will be launching more soon.


The In Person Classes are currently running twice a month: every second Friday 6-9pm and every third Sunday1-5pm of the month.


​£70 for the 2 classes.






We have just launched our in house theatre company: Pocket Of light Theatre.

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Our first production will be the incredible early work from Academy, Tony and Pulitzer winning JP Shanley : 'Savage In Limbo'.

A stunning early piece of theatre with a touch of the surreal from Academy, Tony and Pulitzer Award winner JP Shanley. Set in a bar in his hometown of the Bronx, we follow the fallout between five regulars as they strive to break the chains trapping them in their unfulfilled lives. It is a deeply personal piece – visceral, funny and intelligent; a searing examination of what it means to be stuck in 'Limbo' and an exhortation to fight for the courage to break free. In Shanley’s own words: “Well, what are you gonna do? The place is closing up soon…are you gonna have the guts to do what's in your heart? Last call."

10-13th & 17-20th October

Lantern Theatre, Kemptown, Brighton.

Why Study a Technique?

Acting is a craft and Technique is essential to the mastery of this craft.


Whatever discipline we look at: other artists, athletes, martial arts - it is the intense pursuit of honing their techniques  which allows them to reach the top of their respective professions.


Technique and Hard work....wax on; wax off .

“If you knew how much work went into my mastery, you wouldn't call it genius. ” - Michelangelo

Once we combine technique with the right work ethic, passion, commitment and the growth of ones humanity - we can achieve 'Genius'.


Course Options
We offer between One to Five Classes Per Week.
You can Join the Course when you are ready to begin.
We offer 3 courses in either Meisner Technique, Method Acting or a Combined Meisner and Method Course.
 The Year is split into 3 Terms of 16 weeks.

Scroll Down For More Information.
Course Options
We offer between One to Five Classes Per Week.
You can Join the Course when you are ready to begin.

A course dedicated to The Meisner Technique, training the Actor to be instinctive and truthful; unique and alive. 

You will develop a full technique, allowing the Actor to create characters with "deep, compelling lives" and take on any scene.

Meisner &


Combined Course

Meisner &


Combined Course

A unique course combining the American Acting Techniques designed to open the Actor fully and instill a comprehensive technique which will allow the Actor to take on any role in any medium with total Truth.

Inspirational Method Acting course in the teachings of Lee Strasberg, Stella Adler and Susan Batson. 

Designed to open the Actor, access truth, imagination and the senses and develop a detailed, fundamental approach to scenes and character.

John Strickland – Director


 The Rig, The Flight Attendant, Strike Back, Line of Duty, Bodyguard, Troy, Three Musketeers, Mr Selfridge, Bodies.

“I believe Meisner is an essential tool to help create truthful and nuanced performances. Seb Blanc is an inspirational teacher - his extensive experience and knowledge of the Meisner technique will really help any actor who wants to develop and enhance their craft. Watching him work with actors is a joy.” 



John Strickland – Director


The Rig, The Flight Attendant, Strike Back, Line of Duty, Bodyguard, Troy, Three Musketeers, Mr Selfridge, Bodies.

“I believe Meisner is an essential tool to help create truthful and nuanced performances. Seb Blanc is an inspirational teacher - his extensive experience and knowledge of the Meisner technique will really help any actor who wants to develop and enhance their craft. Watching him work with actors is a joy.” 

Meisner Technique
Meisner Technique
Meisner Technique
Method Acting
Method Acting
Method Acting

"I jumped to get taught by Sebastien in his Meisner classes. You couldn’t keep me away from that class!  There’s not been more of a work ethic installed in me than what Seb has taught. If you think you know what acting is, go to Seb’s class and really find out. Not only to learn the craft and go on the journey but to learn about YOU. What makes you get out of bed in the morning, what keeps you up at night. In an environment that never judges, encourages you to make a mess of it all, and explore everything you will ever need to get to the crux of any character, story and instinct.


Life changing, to say the least. Could not recommend enough."

 Sam Adamson - Actor, Writer, OffWestEnd Award winner and Current Student

The Meisner Technique was developed to bring instinctive, connected and truthful performances; to teach actors to live in the moment and create characters who are alive & unique. This Meisner course is designed to take the student through each and every stage of the Technique, progressing at their own pace. The aim is to ensure the most thorough, instinctive understanding of Meisner as possible.
The Meisner Technique training involves a series of exercises that build upon each other. The purpose of which is to teach the Actor how
"To Live Truthfully Under The Given Imaginary Circumstances"
Sanford Meisner

At The Actor's Craft, we make sure that after the course is complete you will have completed every step to the highest standard.

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Method & Meisner
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A Course dedicated to combining the powerful, personal and transformational sensoric work of the great Method Teachers - Stella Adler, Lee Strasberg and Uta Hagen with the imaginative, instinctive, moment to moment existence of the Meisner Technique to develop the most truthful, human actor. 


"Sebastien and Caroline’s approach to the craft has changed my life. Their passion for the art is contagious and I have found myself not only improving dramatically as an actor, but also as a human being. I count myself very lucky to have crossed paths with them and fully recommend them to anyone who truly wishes to take their acting skills to the next level," 


Jack Norman - current student


We currently offer up to 5 Classes per week - 3 Meisner and 2 Method, for more details please visit our course information page


About The Teacher:


Caroline as a teacher and a mentor is attentive, supportive, generous and detailed. In a short space of time I’ve already learnt loads through her and can feel myself opening up as an actor and as a human being, more and more. 

Adele James

Current Student

(Casualty, Doctors)


 "Caroline Farrington is the most empathic, caring teacher I have ever had the honor of working with. Method has the reputation of being scary and downright dangerous, but Caroline exemplifies the beauty of the technique and will safely guide every student through their own demons to find their own power and truth. Everything you give to her classes, you will get back a thousand fold. "

Dian Cathal, Current Student

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A Course dedicated to the work of the great Teachers of The American Method acting techniques - including Stella Adler, Lee Strasberg and Uta Hagen.

Designed to open the actor, remove blocks and resistances, develop imagination and the senses.

The student will also develop a highly tuned and comprehensive technique towards building character and scene work, allowing the actor to truly transform into the role.

“Acting is not about being someone different. It’s finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there.”


                  Meryl Streep

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